Patches in Mass Effect Andromeda are covered here.
Name |
Description |
Date |
Single player
- Ryder's appearance can now be changed onboard the Tempest
- Expanded the range of options available in the character creator
- Jaal can now be romanced by Scott Ryder
- Dialogue for Hainly Abrams was adjusted to change the flow of personal information she discusses with Ryder.
- Fixed issue with Nomad upgrades Shield Crafting quest
- Nexus level and cryo pod points are retroactively granted
- Vendors now carry weapon mods for Level 60-71 players
- Vendors now sell weapon augmentations for automatic fire, burst fire, and single-shot fire
- Improved clarity of descriptions for augmentations
- Plasma Charge system now works properly for shotguns
- Beam Emitter augmentation now causes guns to fire a constant beam with scaling damage based on the weapon's damage per second
- [PC] Added experimental support for Dolby Vision™ technology
- Stealth Grid challenge now increments properly
- Fiend no longer sprints when within 10 meters of target, and will decelerate to base speed
- Enabled movement correction during Fiend attacks to reduce incidence of players seeing Fiends attacking in the wrong direction
- Improved movement prediction for some enemies in tight spaces to reduce appearance of teleportation
- Fixed issue that prevented melee attacks if the revive icon was near center screen
- Fixed issue where ammo pick-up audio incorrectly played
- Fixed issue where Backlash could malfunction while moving
- Using Stealth and Recon Visor together no longer increases duration of invisibility for Turian Agent
- Fixed issue where weight reduction modifications wouldn't reduce weight
- The Revive Pack Transmitter now displays the revive radius in the loadout screen
- Equipping the Cobra RPG now interrupts reloading
- Player turns to Adhi when getting synced to avoid teleportation issue
- Fixed issue where enemies would occasionally enter T-pose when hit
- Improved visual and audio cues for player ready status in Multiplayer lobbies
- Added “Lights” option to customization options
6/6/17 |
- Improved tutorial placement
- Single player balance changes:
Ammo crates, armor, weapons, nomad, profiles, attacks & progression
- Multiplayer balance changes: Weapons, cover, and enemies
- Added option to skip autopilot sequences in the galaxy map
- Improved logic, timing, and continuity for relationships and story arcs
- Improved lip-sync and facial acting during conversations, including localized VO
- Fixed various collision issues
- Fixed bugs where music or VO wouldn't play or wasn't correct
- Fixed issue where global squad mate banter sometimes wasn't firing on UNCs
- Fixed issue where player was unable to access the Remnant Console Interface after failing decryption multiple times
- Fixed issue where fast travel is sometimes disabled after recruiting Drack until the player reloads a save
- Fixed issue where Ryder can become stuck in the start of Biotic Charge Pose
- Fixes issues related to some saves
- Fixed issue where objective sometimes becomes un-interactable for players in multiplayer
- Streaming and stability improvements
4/6/17 |
Patch 1.04 |
- Fixed an issue whereby players were unable to land on Ark Natanus
- Fixed an issue whereby the game loaded to a black screen or ran as a background process when Corsair Utility Engine or similar programs were running
- Fixed an issue causing players to stop hearing their character's audio and start hearing another player's instead
- Fixed an issue causing the game to crash when using the Human Male Soldier and F key
3/21/17 |
Early Access Patch |
- Overall performance improvements
- Fixed an issue with the title only accepting input from the last controller synced when two controllers are assigned to the same profile
- Fixed various collision issues
- Fixed a few rare audio issues
- Improvements to many cinematics, conversations, and other character interactions
- Improved quest rewards
- Fixed an issue whereby a door could become jammed in mission 5
- Fixed issues with objective markers not appearing correctly
- Minor performance improvements after some Tempest transitions
- Fixed an issue whereby the combat music was not functioning as designed
- Fixed some minor quest-related issues
- Fixed a small cinematic issue during the Drack loyalty quest
- Minor balancing change to the “Remove the Heart” quest
- Improvements to quest tracking and waypoints
- Improvements to Strike Teams UI screens
- Additional multiplayer tutorials implemented
- Balance changes to guns, loot drops, reward packs, and objectives scoring
- Improved appearance of character portraits
- Added new artwork for MP characters, armor, and challenges in menus and codex entries
Early Access |